Monday, May 30, 2016
Does a person´s happiness depend on other people or on oneself?
I think that happiness depends on oneself, because the most important thing when it comes to happines, it´s that you need to be happy with yourself first, then you can make happy another person.
As well as you know yourself, you can define your own happiness, because it´s impossible for anyone elese to define you. You are the only one in this word who gets to say who you are, the opinions of others can only define you if you allow them to.
In addition, we are imperfect persons so we need to accept us as we are. People always confuse the perfection with happiness, they think that being perfect it´s being happy and it´s not true, it´s just a iillusion that sociecity made so you can buy the idea. And it comes in everything, your family, friendship, relationship.
So you need to learn how you would define your own happines, you need to sit and think about yourself, theres one life and you need to take advantage of her. ENJOY IT and LOVE YOURSELF!!
Loving yourself and accept it , is being full happy.
Monday, May 23, 2016
Policies that would make my comunnity a happier place
1. Increase more cultural activities within the community will make people motivate to participate and live together with society. That will make a happiness increase.
2. It fosters an environment of communication , openness and joy at the comunnity that promotes healthy expression of feelings and emotions . Avoid teasing , reviews and comparisons.
3. Increase the reading in the community, make a social club of reading 2 or 3 times a week with people of your comunnity to increase the knowledge.
Page. 102
1. Happiness is important to the economy because happy workers are more effective as well as more productive.
2. Happy people tend to be healthier.
3. Happy people contribute more to their community in terms of volunteering.
1. If you have a good communication with your co-workers, you are gonna be more happy.
2. Motivation increase the happiness. We need motivation in our lives.
3. eat healthy makes you a happier person.
Monday, May 9, 2016
Success and happiness
Researchers are concerned about the decline in bee colonies. Some blame hard winters. In a normal winter, the number of bees in hive drops roughly by 10 percent. However, in rencent years, beekeepers have seen an annual fall approximaly of 30 percent, of the number of bees in their hives.Some had losses about of 50 percent, and some event lost up to 90 percent of their bees. Overall, the U.S. experienced a decline over of 70% in its total bee population. However, this problem does not exist everywhere. In fact, globally, there has been an increase more than of 45 percent from the number of hives, and honey production has also risen roughly by 100 percent in the last 50 years.
Pag. 97
1.One of the happiest moments in my lige was having dinner in Italy with my husband. We were on a little island on a lake, and we were eating outside at a restaurant. And there were these musicians who were playing music. The moment when we watching the sunset was so romantic. I can´t remember when I felt happier.
2. I think the happiest day in my life was the day I celebrated my 18 brithday and playing volleyball on the beach. The were some other guys there who were playing a game, too, and we playing against them. They were really good, so the fact of winning felt really great. We´ve all staying with a friends ever since, and when we felt together, it always reminds me of thay day.
3.My earliest happy memory was winning the school spelling bee. I felt so proud as I stooding there. Everyone in the audience stooding up and clapping. And when I see my parents faces, it was the best moment. I stooding on the stage for ages and didn´t want it all to end.
Monday, May 2, 2016
Vocabulary notebook Picture this
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Hello Alejandra
Ms. Julia :)
Monday, April 25, 2016
Adventure Story Yellowstone
Sunday, April 3, 2016
FW: Assignment
Please do Exercises A, B, and C in a reply to this post.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
I live in San Luis Rio Colorado Sonora, living pacefully with my parents and together with my relatives.
When i was young, I was a very extrovert little girl. Independent and responsible. Until now i got those characteristic lingers in me also i considerer myself helpful.
I like being around my friends and my family, one of the things that i like most is traveling with my family. three years ago i went with my family to a national park calls yellowstone, it was really fun spend time with my family and the nature. Also i went alone with a group of students to New York and Boston.

Monday, March 14, 2016
Monday March 14, 2016

Sunday, March 13, 2016
Last Rule and Tips
Adjectives have inflections. That is, adjectives change in spelling according to how they are used in a sentence.
Adjectives have three forms: positive, comparative, and superlative.
The simplest form of the adjective is its positive form. When two objects or persons are being compared, the comparative form of the adjective is used. When three or more things are being compared, we use the adjective's superlative form.
brave, braver, bravest
happy, happier, happiest
Note: Words of more than two syllables form the comparative with more and most:
beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful.
resonant, more resonant, most resonate
Last few reminders
- Don't split infinitives (incorrect: "to slowly walk" correct "to walk slowly"
- Don't use slang (chirp) or clichés (cold as ice)
- Either goes with or; neither goes with nor
- When referring to a country, don't use "they"
Example: The US is the richest country in the world. They have the highest GNP. (It has the highest GNP.)

Last Rule and Tips
Adjectives have inflections. That is, adjectives change in spelling according to how they are used in a sentence.
Adjectives have three forms: positive, comparative, and superlative.
The simplest form of the adjective is its positive form. When two objects or persons are being compared, the comparative form of the adjective is used. When three or more things are being compared, we use the adjective's superlative form.
brave, braver, bravest
happy, happier, happiest
Note: Words of more than two syllables form the comparative with more and most:
beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful.
resonant, more resonant, most resonate
Last few reminders
- Don't split infinitives (incorrect: "to slowly walk" correct "to walk slowly"
- Don't use slang (chirp) or clichés (cold as ice)
- Either goes with or; neither goes with nor
- When referring to a country, don't use "they"
Example: The US is the richest country in the world. They have the highest GNP. (It has the highest GNP.)